
Magical Medical Mushroom Tour

“For thousands of years, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Japanese, and Tibetan medicine have used a variety of mushrooms including reishi, shiitake, maitake, turkey tail, cordyceps, and chaga to promote health, longevity, boost the immune system, improve energy and endurance, detoxify the system, and help ease countless ailments.” This is a quote from the Healing Kitchen ebook on medicinal mushrooms and cancer. The Holistic Cancer Care Foundation’s mission is to educate those touched by cancer in both the prevention and treatment of the disease in a holistic, epigenetic manner, which goes well
beyond the current standard of care. Mushrooms are the perfect example of a natural, effective and clinically supported killer of cancer, with no side effects. Here are two resources that will provide you with the basics behind the effectiveness of mushrooms on the immune system and argue strongly for their inclusion in any anti-cancer protocol.

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