
Music & Cancer

I am delighted to share with you a clinically and science-based boost to the mind/body connection relating to cancer.  I have shared other articles about the power of the mind in the healing process and how important it is to limit chronic stress, which leads to chronic inflammation, which can

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Miracle Algae?

Can you imagine an antioxidant that is 550 times more effective than vitamin E, or nearly 6,000 times stronger than vitamin C?  If you are dealing with cancer, you know how damaging free radicals can be to your health.  They can cause significant oxidative stress on your body, which is

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Total Freedom From Cancer

The following are excerpts from a ©GreenMedInfo article that provided the key to my surviving a terminal, stage 4, metastatic melanoma diagnosis and which are relevant to ALL types of cancer: “The most deadly cell type within a tumor or blood cancer, known as cancer stem cells (CSCs), has the ability to

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Ethics In Oncology

The Hippocratic Oath has been adopted as a guide to conduct by the medical profession throughout the ages.  In the oath, a physician pledges “to prescribe only beneficial treatments, according to his abilities and judgment; to refrain from causing harm or hurt; and to live an exemplary personal and professional life.” I

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Walnuts For Cancer?

Walnuts have been lauded as a ‘superfood’, containing a remarkable array of natural constituents that have synergistic properties that contribute to reduced cancer risk.  Mediated both directly and indirectly via its actions on the microbiome, many of the beneficial properties of walnuts are related to a range of anti-inflammatory properties,

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Hydrogen Water & Cancer

Persistent oxidative stress is one of the major causes of the aging process and most lifestyle-related diseases, including cancer.  Acute oxidative stress directly causes serious damage to tissues. Hydrogen shows not only effects against oxidative stress, but also various anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects. In an eight-week study including 49 people

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Mind-Body Connection: Placebo or NOcebo?

There is nothing that illustrates the power of the mind-body connection more convincingly than the “placebo effect”, a phenomenon where real improvement is evident after taking a fake or nonexistent treatment, called a placebo. Because the placebo can’t actually cure a particular condition, any beneficial effects reported are due to

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Cancer Alert!!

How often do you think someone diagnosed with cancer has heard these words from their oncologist?…….“Fortunately, there is a combination of medicinal plant extracts that have been clinically proven to kill cancer, and they have no adverse side effects.” Wait, what?? Two botanicals, which I’d bet you’ve never heard of,

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An Edamame A Day Keeps The Cancer Away!

Generally demonized as producing all kinds of unwanted health outcomes, natural soy is, in fact, another amazing weapon in the arsenal against cancer.  As part of my personal holistic healing journey from a terminal diagnosis, I kept running across anecdotal references to soy having substantial anti-cancer properties.  Skeptical at first,

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Eat Broccoli, Crush Cancer​

Studies show you can lower your cancer risk simply by eating more cruciferous vegetables, the most common of which are broccoli, cauliflower, arugula, Brussel sprouts, kale, and cabbage. Eating more of this veggie family is also associated with better survival rates in people who’ ve already been diagnosed with cancer.

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