Fasting & Cancer

Intermittent Fasting & Cancer

Probably the most effective and inexpensive way to improve your health and minimize the likelihood of developing a chronic disease, including cancer, is fasting/feasting.  The clinical benefits are almost too good to be true, but there seems to be an associated mental hurdle which is difficult for many individuals to overcome.  We have evolved to have food readily available most all the time and have become grazers.  The thought of going for any extended period of time without food is difficult to accept, but once you ease into it, the regimen is a breeze and the benefits become obvious.  Not many cost-free health alternatives can claim to support fat burning and weight loss, regulate blood sugar levels, control cholesterol and triglyceride levels, reduce the risk of coronary disease, increase lean muscle mass, stimulate human growth hormones, activate stem cell production, reduce the risk of cancer and enhance autophagy, a critical immune function, all at the same time.

For a complete tutorial on fasting, click on the link below: