Let's Talk

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In the battle against cancer, knowledge and support are our most powerful weapons. We invite you to come together and be part of our community—a safe haven for sharing experiences, asking questions, and inspiring hope in the face of this formidable adversary.
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Answers So Far..

  • Avatar Someone asked:
    Thanks to HCCF for the resources on your website. I went through everything in the "Blog" and "Resources For Healing" and now believe I can beat my stage 4, metastatic diagnosis. I am already feeling stronger after stopping chemo and am employing everything suggested to defeat this disease. Keeping your immune system as strong as possible makes sense and resonated with me. I am no longer a victim, but have taken control of my recovery.
    • Avatar Robert Milligan replied:
      Thank you for your comments! It is truly heartening to know that our resources on the HCCF website have provided hope and a way for you to chart your treatment course.
  • Avatar Someone asked:
    I received a call from my close friend sharing that he was diagnosed with Stage 4 pancreatic cancer. My first thought was, "What can I do to help my buddy?". During the conversation, I was reminded about Bob Milligan's fight against his cancer. I truly believe that I was being nudged to reach out to Bob for his guidance. I spoke with him and his knowledge and the information provided by his foundation website has been a blessing. I would encourage anyone facing such a challenge to use the Holistic Cancer Foundation as a resource. I also would recommend reading "Radical Remission Surviving Cancer" to educate yourself on new treatments. We all pray that our loved ones or ourselves will be the outlier to survive an "incurable disease".
    • Avatar Robert Milligan replied:
      Thank you for your kind words, Jamie! As you know, after my journey with cancer, I was compelled to "pay it forward" and share with as broad an audience as possible the clinically supported knowledge that cancer does not have to be feared as an automatic death sentence. In fact, there is far more that patients can do to take control of their outcomes than the establishment would like them to believe. Again, thanks for your help in broadcasting this important message!
  • Avatar Someone asked:
    Great Job you guys! And the people who are fighting cancer right now Fight On!
    • Avatar Robert Milligan replied:
      Thank you for the feedback!
  • Avatar Someone asked:
    Anyone facing a battle with cancer needs Bob on your side! Incredibly knowledgeable and empathetic. He’s the best!
    • Avatar Robert Milligan replied:
      Thank you, Kevin. I appreciate the sentiment and look forward to being part of your team going forward.