Let's Talk

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In the battle against cancer, knowledge and support are our most powerful weapons. We invite you to come together and be part of our community—a safe haven for sharing experiences, asking questions, and inspiring hope in the face of this formidable adversary.
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Answers So Far..

  • Avatar Someone asked:
    Hi Robert - Just listened to your podcast on Radical Remission channel, very helpful. Like you Stage 4 Melanoma, was diagnosed about 3 years ago. Took radical changes like Chris Wark recommends, Vegan (but with some fish) , exercise, and had my immuno Ipo + nivo but only 2 doses due to side effects so its over to my immune system. I live in the UK so no need to worry about insurance nonsense and costs (its all NHS covered) bit also doing as private the Care Oncology Clinic, off label drugs along the lines of the Jane McLelland Starve Cancer approach , and some supplements. All seems to be working well though, tumours shrunk, feeling fine . Will keep it up . Thanks for setting this up,
    • Avatar Robert Milligan replied:
      Hi Chris......Congratulations on your progress!! Keep up the good work. I really appreciate you taking the time to share your story here in "Let's Talk". It will be inspirational for others faced with similar circumstances. I too became 100% vegan, primarily because of keeping low level, chronic inflammation at bay. The proteins from any animal products consumed trigger an immune response, and although usually undetectable, that response contributes to chronic inflammation which is a hallmark of cancer. Keep me posted on your progress and please feel free to use this as a forum for any questions or observations. Thanks!
  • Avatar Someone asked:
    I just listened to your interview on the Radical Remission podcast and loved hearing your story. I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in 2015 and I made many of the changes you discussed as well. I did do conventional therapies, both chemotherapy and radiation, however with the support of a Naturalpath and many supplements and dietary changes I was able to manage these therapies very well. Almost nine years later I have been cancer free for most of those. Your story is inspirational and the foundation you have started is wonderful.
    • Avatar Robert Milligan replied:
      Thank you for your kind words and congratulations on your overcoming stage 4 cancer. You are a shining example of what can be accomplished with a holistic approach, and I appreciate so very much your helping spread the word for the benefit of newly diagnosed patients.
  • Avatar Someone asked:
    Thank you so much, Bob! After our conversation today I am feeling empowered and back on track. My husband and I have been at the head of this table for 13 months, dealing with the colon cancer diagnosis our way. Intuitively believing we are going to be okay, or BETTER! It's so refreshing to know we are not alone in our approach. All I know for sure is that this life changing diagnosis gave us 2 things.... perspective and choices, and life will never be the same. I left our conversation today with wonderful information, and I'm looking forward to the research and implementation. I'll be in touch with the results and THANK YOU, again.
    • Avatar Robert Milligan replied:
      My sincere pleasure! You have the attitude, education and spirit to get through this and I'm happy to help in any way. Please keep me posted.
  • Avatar Someone asked:
    Hi Bob! You are a blessing, Thank you! My question, 13 months ago my husband of 37 years was diagnosed with stage 3/4 colon cancer. Surgery next day, missing 1 foot of his colon and works daily to reconnectable. We are not NED, yet, but will be. We are struggling with finding like minded practitioners that will work with our insurance (I HATE even saying this), but believe there is a time and place. We will need them, but can't find them. Do you have advice? Thank you, Dara
    • Avatar Robert Milligan replied:
      Hi Dara..........I will connect with you directly to discuss the circumstances and, hopefully, be helpful. Thanks for reaching out!
  • Avatar Someone asked:
    My Wife is a survivior of Breast Cancer in 2014 and pancreatic cancer in 2018. She now has high markers along with spots on her lung and she has lost weight. She is seeking alternative care and most seem to be in Arizona. Do you have recommendations for care on the east coast and even better in the North East. thank you
    • Avatar Robert Milligan replied:
      Thank you for reaching out. I also received your voicemail and will respond to you directly.
  • Avatar Someone asked:
    I have been following Bob's protocol and I am feeling better. Pain has decreased significantly and swelling has decreased to. Walking has really improved. Thank you Bob, Dr. Bruce Robinson stage 4 cancer survivor.
    • Avatar Robert Milligan replied:
      Hi Bruce......Very happy to hear the protocol is having a positive effect on your condition. Keep up the good work and please keep us posted.
  • Avatar Someone asked:
    Just spoke with Bob this morning, what a great guy. Inspired me to make some changes and pointed me in the right direction I believe. He came at just the right time as I was getting discouraged and felt like I was losing my fight. I'm energized now and have a path to follow. Thank you Bob, Dr. Bruce Robinson stage 4 cancer survivor.
    • Avatar Robert Milligan replied:
      Thank you, Bruce, we are here to help and hopefully your comment will inspire others. I just today added a video in the "Resources For Healing" section of the website from Dr. Kathleen Ruddy on Ivermectin that you may be interested in watching.
  • Avatar Someone asked:
    Response to stage 4 colorectal cancer and financial assistance. I am so sorry that you are struggling financially and physically. There is some financial support available to use natural treatment to those less fortunate in some areas. There isn't many. Please do not start a go fund me or other crowd funding if you are on any government support, because you will lose your benefits. If you look on the internet, there are supplements that are not expensive that can help you with your cancer. There is no need to spend $300.00 on supplements a month when there is IP6 with inositol, green tea extract, tumeric powder and Emergen-C powdered mix which should help you. If you have subsidy for food, buy healthy foods and stay away from junk food. Some social services that are available for cancer patients also have funds available for food, transportation, etc. Those might help. God Bless
  • Avatar Someone asked:
    Do you know if there are any grants for treatments? I have very painful stage 4 colorectal cancer. The tumor presses on my nerves 24 hours a day. I bought the list of supplements Robert sent me and I am going to start taking them 4/8/24 the trouble is, I am on a fixed income and it is about $300 per month for the supplements. I have already been told they cannot operate on my tumor because I would bleed to death. I am currently in a clinical trial that has kempt my cancer at bay but it has done nothing to get rid of it or ease my pain. I am in desperate need of help. PLEASE HELP ME
    • Avatar Robert Milligan replied:
      Please continue to absorb all the resources on this website. There is more you can do about putting your cancer into remission, physically, emotionally and spiritually, aside from supplements. As for the economic burden, have you thought about or tried a "GoFundMe" campaign? Here is the link to some guidance on crowdfunding: https://www.investopedia.com/best-crowdfunding-platforms-5079933
  • Avatar Someone asked:
    I have been through many of the resources here on your website and appreciate the access to the information. Do you have treatment facilities in the U.S?
    • Avatar Robert Milligan replied:
      Many of the resources available to fight cancer that you encounter on our website are not currently recognized as part of the current "standards of care". The purpose of our Foundation is to provide a resource that presents the scientifically and clinically supported cancer treatment alternatives, both conventional and alternative. We are in the process of developing relationships with various holistic providers who offer a comprehensive, epigenetic approach to dealing with cancer. We will hopefully soon be in a position to make referral recommendations on where to go to get some of the treatments featured here on the HCCF website.